Welcome to Your Model UN Classroom!
The Delegate's Curriculum
Welcome to the MUNprep Delegates course! We have outlined a sequential road map of lessons that is broken down into 3 modules:
Basics of Model UN - Meant for delegates with little to no Model UN experience. We’ll build a strong foundation for you to started.
MUN Conference Prep - For delegates who want to learn more advanced strategies and get ready for their next conference.
MUN Delegate Skills - Everything that a delegate will need to know to position themselves as a leader in the committee room.
This course is the product of over 3 years of development and 25 collective years of Model UN experience - all free for you to use.
No matter your skill level, if you follow through with these lessons in order, we guarantee that you will be ready for your next conference!
If you end up using this course and found it helpful, feel free to reach out to us here, we'd love to hear from you!

Intro to Model UN - How to get started in Model United Nations
Welcome to your beginners guide to Model United Nations! Today, we’re going teach you what Model UN is all about.

Intro to the UN, the Charter and International Law
Today, we’re learning about the United Nations and the UN Charter. We’ll learn the key principles of the UN and gain insight into UN structure, membership, and funding. We’ll also review some successes and failures of the organization.

MUN Procedure - From Moderated Caucuses to Speakers Lists
In this guide we’re focusing on the basics to MUN procedure, we’ll cover the differences between and benefits of the Speakers List, Moderated Caucuses, Unmoderated Caucuses and Round Tables.

Bonus MUN Basics Lessons

MUN Committees - the different styles
Today we’re covering the 3 main MUN committee styles - Crisis Committees, Regular Committees. This will cover most of what a conference will throw at you, from General Assemblies, to Security Councils to the WHO.

MUN Background Guides - A Simple 3-Step Approach
A MUN Background Guide (Sometimes called a Study Guide or Research Brief) is the first part of the conference prep funnel. It can help kick start your entire research and problem solving process.

MUN Research Essentials - Two Steps to Success
Streamline the research process in 2 simple steps! We’ll help you identify focus questions, build a research binder, and tackle country-specific and topic-focused research. After, we’ll help you turn your research into ideas that you can use later on.

Model UN Problem-Solving - Turning Ideas into Policy Proposals
Turn your research into impactful policy proposals for Model UN! Learn to evaluate ideas with the GROOVY framework, refine strategies, address opposition, and market solutions effectively.

MUN Position Papers - Mastering Guided Persuasion
Learn how to craft a persuasive Position Paper with guided persuasion, credible data, and structured arguments to excel at your next MUN or policy conference.

Writing the Perfect MUN Opening Speech
The Opening Speech, delivered during the speakers list or gsl, sets the scene for the rest of the conference. Today we’ll show you the elements of a great opening speech, from the START formula to the ladder method.

Bonus Conference Prep Lessons

How Does Model UN Work? - The Conference Weekend
Learn what to expect at a Model UN conference with our step-by-step guide! Learn how MUN works, what to do at each stage, and how to set personal goals for an impactful experience.

MUN Speeches - Beating the 10 Minute Rule
Master the art of public speaking in Model UN! Learn how to deliver impactful speeches during moderated caucuses, overcome the 10-minute rule, and use the POP formula to captivate your audience.

MUN Points and Motions – How to use them properly
Master points and motions in Model UN with our comprehensive guide for both regular and crisis committees. Learn every stage of the flow of debate and master parliamentary procedure.

Unmoderated Caucuses - Mastering MUN Negotiation
Understand how to use Unmoderated caucuses to build a bloc that you will work with during your conference. Learn how to lead effectively, and collaborate on resolutions.

MUN Resolutions – Everything you need to know
Understand the basics of MUN resolutions, from drafting preambulatory and operative clauses to securing sponsors and signatories. With examples, templates, and insider tips, you’ll be ready to win the next vote at your conference.